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d.g colorado

d.g colorado

Messages : 34
Date d'inscription : 08/09/2008
Age : 31

roster Empty
MessageSujet: roster   roster Icon_minitimeLun 8 Sep - 22:03

Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven :presque intouchable
Like a Star @ heaven : dur a avoir

Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Milan Hejduk 79 64 76 32 3900000 3
Ian Laperriere 67 77 74 34 1150000 2
Marek Svatos 77 68 73 26 2000000 3
Brian Willsie 65 66 68 30 450000 2
Scott Parker 31 71 63 30 500000 2
David Jones 60 61 63 23 550000 2
T.J. Galiardi 43 40 53 20 875000 3
Chris Stewart 43 45 53 20 850000 3
They are looking for a 1st line right wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Joe Sakic 84 72 82 38 6000000 2
Paul Stastny 77 65 75 22 850000 2 Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven
Tyler Arnason 76 62 73 29 1675000 2
Ben Guite 60 64 66 29 475000 2
T.J. Hensick 61 56 65 22 850000 3
Cody McCormick 52 68 64 25 495000 2
Nathan Smith 56 56 59 26 500000 2
Marty Sertich 53 42 55 25 487500 3
Codey Burki 42 43 53 20 850000 3
Matt Hendricks 35 34 43 27 500000 2
They are looking for a 1st line center
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Ryan Smyth 76 75 77 32 6250000 5
Darcy Tucker 74 72 75 33 2250000 3
Wojtek Wolski 74 66 72 22 2800000 3
Cody McLeod 52 66 64 23 522000 2
Per Ledin 56 61 59 29 450000 2
Philippe Dupuis 59 44 54 23 465000 2
They are looking for a 1st line left wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
John-Michael Liles 72 70 74 27 4200000 5 Like a Star @ heaven
Ruslan Salei 56 78 71 33 3025000 3
Adam Foote 49 80 71 36 3000000 3
Scott Hannan 46 78 71 29 4500000 4
Brett Clark 68 72 71 31 3500000 3
Daniel Tjärnqvist 53 72 71 31 1300000 2
Jordan Leopold 62 70 70 27 1500000 2
Kyle Cumiskey 44 64 59 21 551667 2
Wes O'Neill 52 50 58 22 815000 3
Darcy Campbell 53 55 57 24 550000 2
They are looking for a 1st line defenseman
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Peter Budaj 72 75 75 25 700000 2
Andrew Raycroft 72 75 74 28 800000 2
Jason Bacashihua 64 66 67 25 750000 2
Michael Wall 60 63 66 22 470000 1
Tyler Weiman 51 56 59 24 450000 2
They are looking for a starting goalie
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